Source: CVDaily Feed
WASHINGTON – The number of calls to poison control centers about electronic cigarette incidents more than doubled last year compared to 2013, according to new data from the American Association of Poison Control Centers.
Children under age six were the victims in more than half the cases. The rise in calls has the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids calling on the Food and Drug Administration to finalize its proposed rule to regulate the products.
Campaign vice president of communications Vince Willmore says the agency also needs to crack down on companies’ marketing and flavors, such as ‘gummy bear’ and bubble gum.
“Given how they’re being marketed, and given these sweet flavors, it’s not surprising more kids are using e-cigarettes, and that they’re attracted to nicotine liquids and being poisoned by them,” Willmore says.
While there are no federal regulations to restrict the sale of electronic cigarettes and nicotine liquids, most states require that purchasers be 18. Willmore says his group wants the FDA to finalize and strengthen rules by the end of April.
Willmore says the colors and packaging of e-cigarettes also appeal to kids, yet nicotine is highly dangerous and not only because of potential addiction.
“Nicotine is a very toxic substance and that exposure to even small amounts of nicotine,” says Willmore. “Whether it’s through the skin or through ingestion, can cause vomiting and seizures and unfortunately, it can even be lethal.”
A 1-year-old child in New York died recently after swallowing liquid nicotine. Willmore says the FDA should require childproof packaging, and adults need to keep the devices and supplies out of sight and out of reach of children.