Source: CVDaily Feed
Business was down last year at the local Children’s Justice Center and executive director Mike Stauffer said that’s good news. That is because the center is one of 22 in the state where victims of child abuse are interviewed and medically assessed in a child-friendly atmosphere.
Stauffer told the Cache County Council on Tuesday that the centers were organized through the Utah Attorney General’s office and there is a state, local and private partnership.
“The actual building that we operate out of is owned by a 501c3 charitable organization called the Friends of the Children’s Justice Center,” Stuaffer explained. “They maintain it, mow the lawns, push the snow if it ever snows, pay the utilities, the upkeep and all of that.
“Speaking of the facility, over the last couple of years we have repainted, relandscaped, all those things so it’s a comfortable and inviting atmosphere to come into. Kids don’t realize that they are coming into a government building. They think maybe they are coming to grandpa’s house.”
Stauffer said the Children’s Justice Center in Logan serves Cache, Rich and Box Elder counties and it has partnerships with the Division of Family Services along with law enforcement. There is also a contract with Primary Children’s Hospital.