Source: CVDaily Feed
For 15 years Allison Covington has been a volunteer for the Girl Scouts of Cache Valley and for five years she has served as one of nine troop leaders. Allison says there is a lot more to the program than selling Girl Scout cookies. Besides helping the girls build courage and leadership skills, the money raised helps to fund some important activities.
Allison says the Girl Scout program exposes girls to all kinds of valuable experiences.
“The motto is Courage, Confidence and Character,” she explains. “I think that is so important to teach the girls. Girl Scouting teaches them five basic goals.”
Those goals focus on healthy living, advocacy, financial literacy, outdoor appreciation and STEM (science, technology, engineering and math.
If you haven’t purchased your Girl Scout Cookies this year there is still time to do it. Allison’s 16-year old daughter Megan has been active in the Girl Scouts for several years. She also says there is more to Girl Scout cookies than what is in the box because when girls sell the cookies they are also building their own skills and confidence.
She says Girl Scouts are taking cookie orders until February 8th and booth sales are also available in March.
Girl Scouts offer a lot of variety and, according to Megan, there are even more choices this year.
“They’ve changed the Thin Mints, which are now vegan,” she explains. “They’ve tweaked the recipe a little bit so it doesn’t taste any different. So that’s great.
“The other one is called the Ra Ra Raisins, which are hearty oatmeal cookies with raisins and Greek yogurt inside them. We will be selling our gluten-free cookie during our booth sales, which will be March 13-29.”
Megan wants to be a heart surgeon when she’s older and she feels her Girl Scout experience will prove helpful. She says 80 percent of the female governors are former Girl Scouts as are 100 percent of the Secretaries of State: Madeline Albright, Condolezza Rice and Hilary Clinton. Also 80 percent of women-owned businesses are led by former Girl Scouts.
Allison says volunteers are always needed and for more information about the Girl Scouts visit