Republican Party officials throughout Utah have set their schedules for county and state caucuses and conventions leading up to the general election of 2024.
The great state of Utah will hold Caucus Meetings on Tuesday. The Caucus-Convention system is how political parties in Utah ensure that candidates who desire to run for office are committed to the party platform and are qualified.
How does it work?
A precinct is a neighborhood that comes together to elect officers and delegates. Officers administer the precinct, coordinate with delegates, and help govern the county party. Delegates represent their neighbors at conventions to select candidates for the general election ballot.
Why delegates? Without a delegate system, a candidate running for office must communicate with 38000+ Republicans. This high number means that candidates will engage voters through mass media, which usually allows only superficial communication at a soundbite level. If you were running for the state house of representatives, you only need to talk to 139 delegates instead of 9500 voters. Candidates spend more time with fewer people, allowing for a thorough investigation.
The Republican caucus meeting is a mass meeting where every registered party member in a neighborhood can participate. If you are a pink Republican, you and your pink neighbors work together to elect pink delegates who will choose pink candidates at the convention. If you are a green Republican and wonder what those pink Republicans are thinking, you can work with your green Republican neighbors to elect green delegates.
The beauty of the neighborhood caucus means it reflects the majority philosophy of the neighborhood, but only if YOU show up to caucus. Caucus is the answer to money driven, superficial soundbite campaigns. The good news is, every Republican candidate running for office in Cache County is participating in the caucus-convention system.
We hope you will come, participate in the Presidential Preference Poll, which replaces the Super Tuesday primary, and elect neighbors you trust to represent you.
To participate in the Republican Caucus meeting this year, preregister at to make credentialing go quickly and to find your where your precinct is meeting. See you on Tuesday!
Geoff Cox | Cache GOP Chair
(435) 213-5865 cell
[email protected]
“Growing the Party One Lincoln at a Time”