LOGAN – The LionHeart Hall will offer another chapter of its “Light Switch Stories” series on Thursday, May 9.
“It’s kind of a fun program,” according to Travis Leonhardt, the owner of that performance venue.
The event will feature Cache Valley residents telling true stories about their lives.
“I have four people who function as ‘Light Switch’ story developers,” he explains. “They help the storytellers get their stories written down in a way that is still their own story, but is also able to be performed.”
The events will begin at 6 p.m. with an optional gathering to give people an opportunity to network and mingle. The actually storytelling will begin at 7 p.m.
“It’s kind of a fun atmosphere,” Leonhardt adds. “We have some refreshments as people from the community relate events that happened in their lives.”
LionHeart Hall is Cache Valley’s newest performance venue and social gathering place. In addition to provided a new home for the Cache Theatre Company, the hall also hosts recitals, music performances, weddings and other events.
LionHeart Hall also features a pleasing combination of art deco décor along with professional sound and lighting equipment.
“Our ‘Light Switch Stories’ event was a real hit last month,” Leonhardt recalls, “and the storytellers on Thursday should be really good.”
Tickets for the “Light Switch Stories” event on May 9 can be purchased at the door for $5.
Next up on the schedule at LionHeart Hall is Daddy Long Legs, an intimate two-person musical production by the CTC that will debut on Friday, May 31.
LionHeart Hall is located at 480 North, 100 East in Logan.