Source: CVDaily Feed

Because one in five Utah adults suffer from some type of arthritis the Utah Department of Health (UDOH) encourages the public to enroll in free wellness classes to better manage their arthritis pain.

“These programs help those with arthritis self-manage their own conditions,” said Nicole Shepard, manager of the UDOH Arthritis Program. “Research shows our physical activity classes relieve pain, they help reduce fatigue and they reduce stiffness from arthritis.”

Shepard said it is important for each individual treating arthritis to find the right exercise program for them.

“Exercise isn’t something we should fear but rather something we look forward to because it does reduce the pain and discomfort. It may be a little challenging to find the motivation to get started.

“We offer a variety of programs so they can find the activity that is best for what they are suffering from right now.”

The free wellness classes are offered throughout the state.

“You can find them in your local health departments, in senior centers, in clinics, hospitals, senior housing facilities, public libraries and a lot of community centers, as well.

“The best place to go is our website You are also encouraged to call our resource line, 1-888-222-2542.”