LOGAN – The Country Manor Trail and Logan River Golf Course are closed for a few days while repairs are made in the area.

City crews will be performing work on the river to repair river banks, according to Assistant City Engineer Tom Dickinson

“There was some work along the river in 2012 and there is a small section of it that washed away and so we are going to repair that bank,” he said. “Then we’re going to maintain some areas downstream that were designed to collect any sediments from upstream. With all the river work that’s been happening over the few years there’s been a lot of accumulated sediments down in this pond so we are going to maintain that area as well.”

The trails will be used by crews to transport heavy equipment and materials to the work areas.

The Canyon Manor Trail will be closed until at least Friday. The golf course portion of the trail that includes the pedestrian bridge may be closed for a few additional days.

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