Gas prices are skyrocketing due to the war in Ukraine and the Biden Administration’s reluctance to issue more than 4,600 permits to drill on file at the Department of the Interior.

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Rep. Blake Moore (R-UT) has introduced legislation to hold the administration of President Joe Biden accountable for their delays in domestic energy permitting and leasing process.

“Since President Biden took office, his policies have directly stalled our domestic oil and gas production,” Moore explained, “raising costs for American families and leaving us dependent on corrupt nations – including Russia – for energy.”

Despite a statutory requirement to issue permits within 30 days, there are more than 4,600 permits to drill still pending at the Department of the Interior (DOI).

Moore’s Promoting Energy Independence and Transparency Act will require the issuance of Applications for Permits to Drill (APDs) that have successfully completed environmental review.

The bill will also hold the Biden administration accountable for delays in permit issuance at a time when America desperately needs to lessen our dependence on foreign energy sources.

“As we watch the devastating global instability in Eastern Europe and experience pain at the pump,” Moore added, “it is abundantly clear why we must unleash America’s energy production capabilities.”

When Biden took office in January of 2021, the average cost of gasoline in Utah was $2.38 a gallon. That was down 37 cents from the same date in 2020 due to low demand due to the pandemic.

The average cost of gasoline in Utah is $4.43 a gallon today, the fifth highest cost in the nation.

The average gas price in the U.S. surged to over $4 per gallon in early March, as the invasion of Ukraine by Russia led to a new all-time high for the cost of gas. These prices are expected to remain elevated, possibly all summer — or at least until the supply of oil catches up with demand.

The average price of gas in the U.S. has reached $4.173, a 55.4 cent increase from a week ago, according to the American Automobile Association (AAA).

The cost of gas also jumped by more than $1 on average in 2021, which Moore attributes to Biden’s cancellation of the Keystone Pipeline on the day he took office.

The main provisions of the Protecting Energy Independence and Transparency Act would require DOI to issue any pending permits that have completed environmental analysis and other required review with 30 days.

The bill would also require the DOI to report to Congress on the status of nominated parcels for future lease sales; the number of APDs that are pending approval; how long these items have been delayed; and the reason that these items have been delayed.

“We must hold the Biden Administration’s feet to the fire so that we can become energy independent and keep more money in American’s pockets,” Moore concluded.

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