Source: CVDaily Feed
LOGAN — Police arrested a 29-year-old man Tuesday after finding his six-year-old son chained to a bed frame in his home.
Logan City Police Chief Gary Jensen said his department received an anonymous child abuse report for a home at 825 North 1400 East. The complainant stated the boy was being chained-up while his father was at work.
Jensen said when police searched the home they found the boy chained-up in his bedroom.
“They found the six-year-old boy in his bedroom,” said Jensen. “He was chained to a kind of metal pedestal, where a box springs and mattress would be put on top of this pedestal, with wheels on it. The chain was around that with a padlock and then chained to his ankle and padlocked.”
The father, Sammie Lee Hodges, was arrested and booked into the Cache County Jail on four charges of child abuse, all class A misdemeanors.
Jensen said the chain that was being used to shackle the child was massive.
“This was big, like you would use to tow a vehicle, like a logging chain,” said Jensen. “It was huge.”
Jensen said the boy had access to snacks and water, and the chain was “just long enough” that the boy could reach the restroom.
The child was taken into custody by Department of Child and Family Services. Jensen said there were no other children in the home.
An investigation is on-going and additional charges are pending.