Source: CVDaily Feed
Organizers of Utah’s biggest parade have turned down a float proposal from a Mormon faith-related LGBT group, citing too much potential for controversy.
Doree Burt, a local representative of Mormons Building Bridges, was a guest on KVNU’s For the People program Wednesday and said a call was made to a parade organizer to see if there was anything the group could do to make the float acceptable. Ashcroft said many supporters had suggested that they enter a float this year.
But Burt said the offer was refused.
“What we had wanted to do, and what we had requested,” Burt explained, “was to just have a car, and maybe a vintage car, and have no more than eight people representing different areas of pioneering: public service, business, the arts, faith community, maybe education.
“It was just a gentle way to honor those who have been pioneers in this area.”
Burt said the group aims to improve the relationship between Utah’s gay community and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.