Source: CVDaily Feed
LOGAN — A 24-year-old man tased and arrested by police in April, appeared again in 1st District Court Wednesday afternoon.
Court records show Luis Margarito Bravo-Ceja waved his right to a preliminary hearing, pleading not guilty to the nine charges he is facing. The charges include failing to respond to a police officer, a third-degree felony, shoplifting and interference with an arresting officer, both class B misdemeanors.
Bravo-Ceja was arrested Wednesday, April 2 when officers identified him in a vehicle outside the Cache County Courthouse. He attempted to run and was tased.
The night before, Bravo-Ceja is suspected of stealing merchandise from a store, leading police officers on a chase through Logan and then running from the scene of an accident.
Bravo-Ceja is scheduled to appear again in court May 19. He is being held in the Cache County Jail without bail. He is suspected of being in the United States illegally.