Source: CVDaily Feed
Tuesday is Earth Day, and some groups and individuals are planting trees and in other ways engaging in activities to help beautify their surroundings.
Well-known environmentalist and retired science teacher Jack Greene says you don’t have to be a so-called “tree-hugger” to be an environmentalist.
“You can be an environmentalist and be very conservative,” Greene says. “You can be in any political party.
“But it’s more or less how you go about conducting your life in a way that shows that you care for your own health and for the health of those around you. I’m riding a bus and have my bike on a rack on the bus.”
Greene says he realizes not everyone can ride a bus in their daily regiments but there are many other things people should do–only drive when they need to drive, make sure the vehicle is clean and tires inflated. He also encourages people to get out and enjoy the world.