LOGAN — There are a lot of candidates in county races and a primary is being played out in the Utah House race here in Cache County. There’s also a multitude of statewide races.

On KVNU’s For the People program on Tuesday, U.S. Senate Republican candidate (and former speaker of the Utah House) Brad Wilson said he will be in northern Utah over the Memorial Day weekend.

“There are some local issues at different parts of the state; there are some real problems in Washington County, for example, with the federal government right now, related to some roads and the BLM and things like that. And, up in northern Utah, Cache and Box Elder counties, I don’t hear a lot of specific federal issues other than the concerns of public lands and access to public lands,” he explained.

Wilson listed many endorsements of his candidacy, including Garden City mayor Mike Leonhardt.

“Mayor Mike has become a dear friend over the years and I’ve worked a lot on Garden City issues. You’ve got a city of 300 to 400 people and on a holiday weekend you’ve got 50 – 60,000 people up there? The state’s got to step in and help a little bit, and we did that, and I worked a lot on Garden City issues while I was speaker, just because A) it’s in my backyard as a northern Utah guy and B) he’s such a good mayor.”

He said Leonhardt is very dedicated to his community and so it was easy to want to work with him and support him. 

Brad Wilson’s website is electbradwilson.com.

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