LOGAN — Senator Chris Wilson, who represents the majority of Cache County for District 2, dropped into KVNU’s For the People program on Thursday. During his visit, he talked water and funding for a Groundwater Assessment in Cache County.

“This was a funding request of around $567,000, and let me tell you a little bit on how that got started. Last March, I was asked to go to Israel with a water delegation, and Casey Snider, our representative from south end of the valley was the House representative and I was asked to be the senate representative on this to Israel. So very, very amazing, we went with a great delegation,” said Wilson.

The trip was to investigate how the country that sits in a desert area is able to do so well with the water they have.  Wilson said Israel knows where every drop of water is in that country, whether subsurface or above ground.    

“And I was talking, our state water engineer Teresa Wilhelmsen was on that trip, I went up to her and said, ‘Okay Teresa, where are we at with Cache Valley, do we know what’s in our aquifers, do we know what’s in our ground water?’ She did a tremendous job this summer of putting together a proposal that we could try and seek. Because the last time they did this was in the ‘90’s, she told me it was (19)92 the last time they did it. I’ve seen some reports, the (Salt Lake) Tribune did an article on this and they said it was in (19)96. Anyways, it’s been awhile.”

He said with the new technologies available it’s time to see where the water is. The project will be a collaboration with the Utah State University, University of Utah and the U.S. Geological Survey.

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