LOGAN — The biggest annual fundraiser for the Cache County Republican Party is this Saturday, February 3rd in the USU Taggart Student Center Grand Ballroom.

The Lincoln Day Dinner event kicks off with a Straw Poll Candidate Open House at 4p.m., then candidate speeches at 530p.m.

The dinner will be held at 7p.m. Then former Congressman Rob Bishop will introduce author Tad R. Callister at 8p.m.  Callister was a guest on KVNU’s For the People program on Wednesday.

He talked about what motivated him to write his book ‘America’s Destiny’.

“Well, I’ve been disappointed, a little bit, with America’s direction, and I decided I wanted to read more about the founding fathers and their vision for this country. Their vision was that the constitution could only work if you had a moral people, and you could only have a moral people if you had a religious people who were seeking God’s will and to do it,” explained McAllister.

The title of his speech is “The Constitution, the Division of Powers, and God’s Hand in the Making of America”.

Over two dozen candidates and incumbents are listed as attending, including: U.S. Senate candidates John Curtis, Brad Wilson, Carolyn Phippen, Brent Hatch and Trent Staggs.

Also expected to attend are Representative Blake Moore, Utah Governor Spencer Cox and his gubernatorial opponent, Representative Phil Lyman.

For tickets and more information:


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