Source: CVDaily Feed
LOGAN — A two-vehicle rollover Wednesday afternoon blocked traffic along 400 North, US 89. The accident occurred at 4:30 p.m. at the corner of 400 North and Champ Drive, near Utah State University.
Logan City Police Sgt. Scott Murray said a woman, driving a tan-colored Toyota Camry, was turning left onto 400 North and failed to see a silver-colored Toyota 4-Runner, traveling west-bound. The 4-Runner was in the inside lane and swerved to avoid the Camry.
The two vehicles still collided in the median. The 4-Runner rolled at least one time and came to rest on its side, against the side-guardrail.
Both drivers were wearing seat belts and no major injuries were reported. The driver of the 4-Runner was treated by paramedics at the scene and released.
East-bound traffic along 400 North was blocked for an hour while crews investigated and cleaned up the accident.
The driver of the Camry was cited for failing to yield to oncoming traffic.