Source: CVDaily Feed
LOGAN – Utah State University-Online is 48th on the U.S. News and World Report list of the top online bachelor’s degree programs in the country. It is also the only Utah institution recognized.
“This is a great honor for us. We have been teaching online courses since the late-1990s and I believe this recognition demonstrates how effective we have become as an institution in providing a quality experience through online courses,” said Robert Wagner, a USU vice provost responsible for online programming.
He said with the faculty and staff supporting online courses it indicates how important it is to create a quality experience for students.
Ranking criteria included student engagement, faculty credentials, peer reputation, student services and technology.
USU-Online offers bachelor’s degrees in areas such as Agribusiness, Communicative Disorders and Deaf Education, Family Life Studies, Economics, Psychology and Liberal Arts.
“We also offer six master’s degrees plus a host of online certificates and endorsements and this fall we began a new flexible online program which allows students to take specialized online courses in a format and a schedule that meets their needs,” said Wagner.
There are about 5,000 online students and 200 faculty are involved in teaching over 350 online courses offered each semester.
“Many of those are the same faculty on the Logan campus that teach traditional courses. It’s a great experience for our online students to be able to interact with professional faculty on campus.”
He said with registration as well as student services available online there are students located all over the country and internationally who complete their degree without ever coming to USU.