Source: CVDaily Feed
The Supreme Court decision striking down a portion of the Defense of Marriage Act came as good news to Mormons Building Bridges. The group is making a serious effort to try to bridge the gap between current and former Mormons and the gay community.
Local representative Dorrie Burt told KVNU’S For the People program Wednesday that she believes the decision will help those efforts.
“We host, every month, community conversations in four different locations along the Wasatch Front. We have a different topic each time and they are open to the community,” Burt explained. “They are moderated. We have rules where it’s not a panel discussion, it’s not a debate.
“People come and ask questions, openly give answers and just bear their hearts, almost. These are in libraries.”
Burt said Mormons Building Bridges was formed soon after Utah’s Gay Pride Parade in 2010. Although there have been a few detractors, she said overall there has been widespread support for her organization.