SMITHFIELD — A vehicle crash Sunday night sent two people to the hospital and damaged several power lines. The accident occurred around 7 p.m. near 1000 South Main Street, US-91.

Logan City dispatch operators confirmed that a truck ran off the road, striking one power pole and damaging the attached power lines. The crash caused several lines to fall across the highway.

Two people inside the truck were treated by paramedics and transported to the hospital. Both had non-life threatening injuries.

Law enforcement closed a section of the highway in both directions while Rocky Mountain Power crews made initial repairs to the utility pole and power lines. The closure was predicted to last until around 10 p.m.

Both north and southbound traffic were detoured through the east side of Smithfield.

Crews expected to have a portion of US-91 reopened through the night but reduced to one lane for each direction. The partial closure is expected to last through Monday morning’s commute, until the power lines can be repaired permanently.

Rocky Mountain Power estimates that the crash only impacted a few electricity customers.

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