Source: CVDaily Feed
NORTH LOGAN – The layout for a new high school and recreational complex in North Logan was publicly revealed for the first time at the meeting of the Cache County School Board on Thursday, August 7.
Not only will residents of North Logan and Hyde Park be getting a new high school in the near future, they will also benefit from getting a regional recreation complex. The new project will include a new high school with all the typical sports fields that accompany it and will also have additional sports fields for community use.
Deputy Superintendent for the Cache County School District Mike Liechty showed the site plan to the board and to a handful of North Logan residents who were in attendance.
“Earlier this morning we met with the Cache County Executive,” Liechty said, “also with the mayor of North Logan, representatives from Hyde Park and the school district to go over this preliminary design.”
The property for the new school is tied in with Cache County and is earmarked to be used for recreation.
Outside of the public meeting, Liechty explained that because of that designation, it is saving the school district a considerable amount of money.
“We had to purchase some additional land to make it all work,” Liechty said. “But we don’t have to buy certain land as long as we put in certain types of recreation.”
“There are 90 acres of recreational property the county had secured from the federal government but it is designated to be used for recreational purposes,” explained Dale Hansen, Cache County School District Business Manager. “The ice arena had been a part of that but it doesn’t fit the definition of a community recreational facility. So when that came in, the county had to purchase property elsewhere and swap it…That is the same thing for the high school.”
“We will use (the sports fields) during the day and the community will have access to it later,” added Liechty.
The opening date of the new high school is projected for August 2017. When contractors and sub contractors finish their work on the new school in Millville they will transition to the new project in North Logan.
Once the new high school in Millville is completed in August 2016, all school boundaries will be reconfigured on the south end of the valley. Likewise, when the new high school in North Logan is completed in August 2017, all north valley school boundaries will be reconfigured.
“The outside facade of the high schools will be a little bit different but when you walk in they will be exactly the same,” said Liechty when describing what the new school may look like.
The site plan for the new high school in North Logan will be taken out to future public meetings for additional feedback.