Source: CVDaily Feed
LOGAN – Local law enforcement agencies joined together Saturday morning to help give kids a Merry Christmas. 52 kids were given the chance to go on shopping sprees, during the annual “Shop with a Cop,” at Kmart.
Each child was paired with a law enforcement officer and given a $110 gift card. The officers then helped the kids shop for presents.
North Park Police Sgt. John Seamons helped organize this year’s event. He said this is a great opportunity to have a positive impact.
“Those children are coming from a little less fortunate homes,” said Seamons. It’s nice from them to see that we are out here to help them as well and not be the enforcer. So it’s good to give them perception that we’re here to help.”
Seamons said police departments raise money throughout the year to pay for the children’s gifts.
Relda Sandgran works for Kmart, who helps support the event. She said some kids buy presents for themselves, while many spend their money buying gifts for their families.
“We send a little list home and ask how many brothers and sisters you have and how old they are,” said Sandgran. “Also what their interests are, what mom’s interests are, and what dad’s interests are. We encourage them to shop for their families.”
She said the Department of Child and Family Services helps select the kids who are chosen. Many of them come from disadvantaged homes.
Officers from North Park, Logan, Smithfield, Utah State, Preston, Cache County Sheriff’s Office and Division of Wildlife Resources all attended. Seamons said in addition to raising money, all of the officers volunteer their time to participate.
“I call each department,” said Seamons. “We give them head’s-up around September and say, ‘hey we’re starting to do our run on this.’ We get as many officers as possible that are willing to do this.”
This year’s event started at Golden Corral where the children and officers had breakfast together. They then had a police escort, with lights and sirens, to Kmart.
Santa Claus also made an appearance, being chauffeured by the North Logan City Fire Department.