Source: CVDaily Feed
PROVIDENCE — A school bus carrying students was rear-ended Tuesday morning. The accident occurred at 200 West 100 North.
Cache County Sheriff’s Lt. Mike Peterson said the bus was stopped at the stop sign, at the intersection of 100 North, when it was hit from behind by a white Lexus ES 300 sedan.
The bus was carrying 29 students from Spring Creek Middle School and South Cache 8-9 Center. Cache County Sheriff’s Deputies said none of the children on the bus were injured and the driver of the Lexus did not have any injuries.
The bus had only minor damage to the bumper while the Lexus had extensive damage to the front-end.
Students were kept on the bus while the accident was being investigated. Once it was determined that the bus had only minor damage, it continued to school to drop off the students.
The driver of the Lexus was cited for failing to stop.
Tuesday morning’s accident was the sixth involving a school bus after five accidents in December, before the Christmas holiday break.