Source: CVDaily Feed
There will be multiple new members of the Cache County Council next year after Kathy Robison and Val Potter vacate their seats.
After serving 16 years as a member of the Cache County Council, Robison is stepping down at the end of the year. Another Republican, Barbara Tidwell, has filed for the seat in the council’s District 2 and she has no opposition in the coming election.
On KVNU’s For the People program Wednesday, Robison said she has enjoyed serving and she has been the only female on the seven-member council.
Asked about some of the interesting issues dealt with during her years on the council, she said one came very early. It was the passage of a Sexually Oriented Business Ordinance which the county did not have at the time.
“So we really went to work on that,” said Robison. “We had help from George Daines who was the County Attorney at that time. He really made it so we could regulate a lot more where those businesses could locate, to protect our children. We really didn’t want them in certain areas.”
Robison said something she would have liked to see happen was the creation of a county-wide library, but she does believe this will be happening in the not-too-distant future.
Val Potter has no opposition for his run, but he is running for State Representative in House District 3 to replace the retiring Jack Draxler. Potter said he hopes people will still support him in the November 8th election.
In the meantime, he continues his work as a member of the Cache County Council, a position he has held for the last six years. Also a guest on KVNU’s For the People program on Wednesday, Potter said when he went on the council he called for better communication between the council and the people. He believes that is happening.
“Transportation and roads is another issue that personally I’ve focused on,” Potter explained, “but the county has done a marvelous job of improving the roads department and paying attention to what’s going on with the county roads.
“We’re the final word on the council of governments and there is a huge amount of tax that goes towards improving various roadways and major arteries throughout the county. I think that is something that is affecting the citizens of Cache County more than anything.”
Potter said hopefully he will be able to do something to prove that situation when he is a member of the legislature.