Source: CVDaily Feed
A celebration to recognize the tradition of free legal services available in Cache Valley is Friday at 6 p.m. at the Italian Place restaurant, 46 Federal Avenue in Logan.
Everyone is invited to this Pro Bono Celebration Open House.
Sponsors are the Utah State Bar First District Court Pro Bono Committee and the Cache County Bar Association.
The last five years a pro bono (free) legal clinic has been offered the second Thursday of each month and more than 40 local attorneys have volunteered to take cases.
“That is a service provided by the Cache County Bar Association,” said First District Court Judge Brian Cannell. Cannell and local attorney R. Christian Hansen serve as co-chairs of the First District Pro Bono committee.
“Up to a half dozen attorneys appear on those evenings,” said Judge Cannell. “The bar association does a good job filling those slots. As an attorney I served in that capacity several times and most evenings there were double digit patrons on hand, needing help with legal questions.”
Cannell said each year in Utah over 92,000 civil legal problems exist in low income households and only about 12,000 of those cases are assisted by attorneys.
A recent study found that more than 70 percent of local attorneys donated between 30 and 60 hours of pro bono work this year. On Friday night local attorneys will be on hand to discuss the pro bono work being done in the valley include non-identifying stories of help local attorneys have provided.
The event is free, light refreshments will be served with live chamber music from local high school students.