Ribbon cutting for Jenny’s Place in October.

Recently the Cache Employment and Training Center (CETC) opened a remodeled  area of the facility as Jenny’s Place, in honor of the late daughter of Craig and Maradee Petersen. On KVNU’s For the People program on Tuesday, the former Logan mayor praised the work of the center

“We had a special needs daughter, Jenny.  She was with us for 38 years, died about 3 years ago. But she had spent the last 16 years of her life at Cache Employment and Training Center, and they did some amazing things for us. In fact I just can’t describe how different our life might have been had it not been for them.  She was there every day, but beyond that, they went above and beyond the call of duty,” he explained.

Petersen said he and his wife, Maradee, were looking for a way to give back to the community.  She suggested helping the CETC.  He said the place where Jenny  stayed everyday for those 16 years had become somewhat run down, the H-VAC system wasn’t very good and not very functional.

So they helped the center refurbish that place and now they also have additional office space and a nice facility. In an earlier story, executive director Kae Lynn Beecher said  that the name and space are inviting, warm and welcoming and  said that is how   they want the people who use the room to feel.

CETC held a ribbon cutting ceremony in October with a small group in attendance due to COVID restrictions.  Architect Joe Beck, contractor Mike Funk, and the Petersen’s were recognized for their generous contributions to the project.

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