PROVIDENCE — Emergency crews were called to a Providence home Tuesday night and again Wednesday morning after a fire was reported in a detached garage. The blaze was first reported around 10:20 p.m. near 110 S. Main St.

Logan City Fire Marshal Craig Humphreys said when crews arrived on the scene, they found flames coming from an out building. The structure was being used as a garage and storage area, detached from the home.

“We had fire between the floor and ceiling of the first and second floor,” explained Humphreys. “The ceiling was covered with metal, so it was difficult for fire fighters to gain entry into that floor/ceiling space to extinguish the fire. We were able to extinguish what we could last night. Crew were on the scene until 2 a.m. to get it all wrapped up.”

Fire fighters responded back to the scene Wednesday morning after the blaze began to smoke again. They were able to quickly enter the garage and locate the source of the flare up and extinguish it.

None of the occupants of the home or fire fighters were injured while fighting the blaze.

Humphreys said the fire appears to have started in the garage area. The cause is still being determined.

“It looks like the area of origin is in the shop area, behind the parking area of the building.”

The fire caused significant damage to the building and its contents. The nearby home was not damaged.

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