
Ballots are going out, in fact, some residents have them in hand  so that means election time is happening. KVNU’s For the People program continued spotlighting candidates on Wednesday.  Running for the Congressional seat that Rob Bishop is vacating, the Democratic candidate for District 1 is Darren Parry.

He was asked about the respectful interchange he had in a recent debate with his opponent Blake Moore.

“If those that are listening haven’t heard the debate, you can go on the Utah Debate Commission and watch it.  So that to me really speaks volumes of what needs to happen in Washington D.C.  We can have all the policies we want, all the greatest ideas, we can meet with this person and that person. But at the end of the day, I think most people are really concerned about how divided the country is,” Parry said.

He talked things won’t get accomplished until lawmakers start at least getting along.

“You can have the greatest things in the world that you want to do, but until that tone changes, and  until we take the partisanship out of Washington D.C., not a lot is going to get done. As a tribal leader, as somebody that’s been around the block a time or two, I realize how important that is.  To build coalitions, to give people a voice, to listen and then sit down together and make good decisions.”

Parry said there are many Republicans who back him because they know him and what he stands for. But they cannot publicly endorse him because of the ‘D’ (Democrat) by his name, as it would be a political kiss of death.

He asks that people who might be Republicans to go to his website (, look at his policies, also to ask people who know him what kind of person he is and then make their decision.

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