I’m usually not one to make a big stink but this is something thats going to be devastating to some of our fellow Loganites. Riverside RV park has officially sold.

That rv park has been a long-term housing solution for people less fortunate for yearssss. The new owners are QUADRUPLING the rent. Going from $350-$550 a month to $350 a week.

There are elderly and families that have lived there so long that their RVs are no longer mobile. This is not inflation. This is straight up greed. I understand raising rent a little. But raising it $800?! $1400 for an RV space?! If they had $1400 a month, they could be sitting pretty in a nice apartment!

(Ninety-percent) of people don’t chose to live in an RV, they live in one cause its supposed to be more affordable! I personally know a few people in that park right now that are not sure what they are going to do. A lot of them don’t even make enough on social security to pay the rent and come April 1st, they are going to be homeless.

I am shocked that this is what Logan is becoming. Our mayor building a $4 million pretty facade while we have families that are living in hotels and elderly that are becoming homeless. The greed has to stop somewhere. I love Logan. But im absolutely disgusted.

I dont know the name of the company who bought it but as soon as I find out, I am going to rage. And if you care about the people of Logan, join me.

-Jessy Barrett

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