LOGAN — A popular camping and recreation area will be closed while biologists investigate a growing invasive aquatic plant species problem, but the closure will only last one day.

The U.S. Forest Service announced that the Tony Grove Lake, Tony Grove Nature Trail and a trail between Tony Grove Lake and Tony Grove Campground will all be closed Tuesday, Aug. 20 for invasive aquatic species removal.

Biologists are targeting Eurasian watermilfoil impacting the lake, which is a problem because it can harm natural fish habitat, and it can hinder boating and swimming. It can also easily spread to other bodies of water without interference.

Rangers and Cache County officials will be using a herbicide treatment that kills off the invasive species. It is reportedly more effective than pulling out the plants by hand.

Uinta-Wasatch-Cache National Forest spokesperson, Kathy Jo Pollock said Forest Service rangers expect all closures will be lifted by Wednesday.

Officials say results should be noticeable within the next week as the invasive plant dies.

Tony Grove Lake, a natural body of water that was also expanded after a dam was built in the 1930s, is home to several fish species, especially rainbow trout. The fish aren’t expected to be impacted by the herbicide.

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