Source: CVDaily Feed
The Well Armed Woman, a national organization designed to educate female shooters, is introducing chapters all over the country including a new one in Logan.
Beverly Powell, Logan Chapter leader, is a local female gun enthusiast.
“Right now the largest growing segment of firearms sales in this country involves women. So women need a safe place where they can learn how to shoot and get proficient in their shooting skills.”
Powell said she started shooting about five years ago and she loved it from the beginning.
“Like most others, I had to learn a lot on my own. I took a lot of training classes and became a firearms instructor myself. About a year ago I heard about this organization and I decided this is what we need here in Cache Valley.”
The local group meets every second Wednesday, 7-9 p.m., at the Cache Valley Public Shooting Range.
“The first hour is usually a discussion group on a topic of interest. The second hour we go out on to the range and have fun shooting. It is a safe, non-threatening environment for us to meet with other women.”
Powell encourages women interested in learning to shoot to call her at 435-760-3001.