Source: CVDaily Feed
SALT LAKE CITY (AP) — Mormon church president Thomas Monson has urged members to follow Jesus Christ’s example by showing love toward others.
Monson also stressed the importance of forgiveness during a talk Sunday in Salt Lake City during the faith’s biannual general conference.
The Salt Lake Tribune reports the 86-year-old Monson said love should be “the very heart of family life,” but often is not because of impatience and fighting.
He said “forgiveness should go hand in hand with love,” adding that “blame keeps wounds open” and “only forgiveness heals.”
Dieter Uchtdorf, Monson’s second counselor in the governing First Presidency, said gratitude is the solution to bitterness and sorrow.
The conference brings more than 100,000 Latter-day Saints to Salt Lake City to find out church news and soak up words of guidance and inspiration from the faith’s top leaders. Millions more watch worldwide.