LOGAN – Regular monthly nutrition classes offered by Logan Parks and Recreation are already underway.


The series of nutrition classes being offered by Logan Parks and Recreation will continue on June 19 with sessions on “Digestion and Detox.” Those classes are scheduled every third Wednesday of the month through February of 2025.

Those classes will resume on Wednesday, June 19 with a session discussing “Digestion and Detox.” A class intended for senior citizens will be held at 9 a.m., while a similar session for the general population will be offered at 6 p.m.

City officials say that walk-ins are welcome, but registration for the entire series can be accomplished at www.loganutah.activityreg.com

The nutrition classes geared for seniors and the general population are held on every third Wednesday of the month.

Class topics for subsequent months will include “Hormone Health (Peri-menopause and Menopause) on July 17; “Healthy Skin and Hair” on Aug. 21; “Prenatal and Postnatal Nutrition” on Sept. 18; “Immunity Boost” on Oct. 16; “Top Foods for Fighting Inflammation” on Nov. 20; and “Adrenal Dysfunction – How to Overcome It” on Dec. 18.

The nutrition classes will continue into the New Year with “What Does Caffeine, Alcohol and Sugar Do to Your Health?” in January 2025 and “What’s the Difference Between All the Trending Diets?” in February 2025.

Prices for these classes vary by topic, but start at $3 each.

For additional information about the nutrition classes, please call 435-716-9250.

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