Source: CVDaily Feed
LOGAN — A 31-year-old Logan man has been arrested for impersonating a police officer and other charges.
Logan City Police Captain Curtis Hooley said Christopher Fairbanks was booked into the Cache County Jail Tuesday, after a man and woman claimed he tried to conduct a traffic stop and pulled their vehicle over.
The couple said they were driving around 400 West 100 South, when a dark SUV with flashing red and blue lights started following behind them. The SUV also had a siren, leading the couple to believe they were being pulled over by law enforcement.
After they pulled their vehicle to the side of the road, the SUV stopped behind them and Fairbanks exited the vehicle. He reportedly told the couple he was joking and laughed at them.
Hooley said Fairbanks was booked on multiple offences, including witness tampering, impersonating an officer and unlawful detention. He’s being held on a $14,000 bail.