Due to a power and Internet outage, city officials are temporarily accepting cash only at the Logan Landfill.

LOGAN – Officials here are temporarily running the Logan Landfill on a cash-only basis.

That change of policy is due to a power and Internet outage, according to city spokeswoman Emily Malik.

“The landfill will be accepting cash only at least until Monday, Nov. 15,” she explained. “We appreciate everyone’s patience as we work through this unplanned outage.”

The Logan Landfill was established in 1960 and has been serving all Cache County residents since 1973.

Services offered at the landfill location on Valley View Highway include disposal of green waste, landscaping products, asbestos and household hazardous waste.

Prior to Nov. 12, the landfill accepted both cash and debit/credit cards from residents depositing materials there.

The landfill is 135 feet tall and covers about 85 acres. The facility processes nearly 270 tons of debris each day.

The estimated closure date of the city landfill is 2022.

For updated information of the landfill’s status, local residents can call 435-716-9000.

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