Source: CVDaily Feed

Most of the election talk these days has to do with next year’s presidential election. However, there are local elections and members of city councils will be chosen in every local city in November.

Logan City Recorder Teresa Harris says three of the five seats on the municipal council are up for grabs but only four candidates filed so there was no primary election this time around.

All three of the incumbents have filed for re-election (Jeannie Simmonds, Karl Ward and Herm Olsen) along with Tom Jensen.

“I’ve seen a few signs up around town from the candidates,” says Harris. “Yes, we are going to do an all vote-by-mail election this year. Ballots will be mailed out on October 5th.

So Logan citizens should watch for those in their mail and when they receive them there are instructions on how to vote.”

Harris says a Meet the Candidate event has been scheduled for October 6 at City Hall. Harris was a guest Wednesday on KVNU’s For The People program.