Source: CVDaily Feed
The room was full and the applause was loud Tuesday night when members of the Logan Municipal Council voted unanimously for a resolution which establishes the Logan City Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan. The action was taken after a lengthy public process which included open house meetings, public hearings and survey data collection.
One after another, Utah State University students and others thanked council members for adopting the plan which provides attractive options for transportation and recreation that accommodates all abilities and links neighborhoods.
The council also got praise from Jack Greene, well-known environmentalist and retired Logan High School science teacher, who called council members “progressive.”
“USU just won a national contest as far as biking to work,” Greene told the council. “They had more of their staff and faculty who biked to campus than any other campus that was recorded.
“I will say that many surveys have shown again and again that there’s a real interest in this and expanding these opportunities, making it safe and more convenient.”
Greene acknowledged he is a biker himself and has used that form of transportation to commute from Smithfield to Logan for the last 29 years.