LOGAN – Every year through the Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program more than 800 scholars, students, teachers and professionals of all backgrounds teach or conduct research.

Among those receiving Fulbright Scholar Program awards for the 2024-25 academic year are four Utah State University professors who will teach or conduct research abroad.

The group includes Ryan Berke, from the College of Engineering, who will travel to the United Kingdom; Brent Chamberlain, College of Agriculture and Applied Sciences who is traveling to Portugal; David Feldon, who in early 2025 will travel to Australia; and, Kimberly Hageman, College of Science who will travel to Italy.

USU’s 2024 Fulbright Specialist is Maria Luisa Spicer-Escalante, from the Department of World Languages and Culture, who is traveling to Brazil.

Fulbright is a program of the U.S. Department of State and funding is provided by the U.S. Government. Since 1946 it has provided more than 400,000 students, scholars, teachers and artists the opportunity to study and conduct research all over the world.

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