LOGAN — As usual, it’s a month packed with activities by the Cache Valley Chamber of Commerce. On her monthly appearance on KVNU’s For the People program last week, president and CEO Jamie Andrus told us about some of the events, including one this coming Wednesday, April 10th.
The monthly Women in Business luncheon will be held at Adams Wealth Advisors on south Main in Logan, and will feature Hollie Doyle from Bell Techlogix, Inc on “The 3 Things I Wish I Knew.”
“This speaker is just top-notch. We have heard her speak, and she’s just really incredible. It’s going to be very, very informative, and very easy to listen to.”
Then two weeks later a bigger annual event will take place.
“On the 24th of this month our annual Greater Cache Valley Economic Summit,” Andrus added. “And we have some fantastic guests coming; it’s going to be a really informative day.”
Some of those speaking include Cache County Executive David Zook, Karina Brown will address the state of housing, Forrest Fackrell on the state of manufacturing, Natalie Gochnour on “Cache Valley and the New Utah,” Representative Casey Snider on the state of water, Logan City Economic Development Director Kirk Jensen on new city projects and much more.
You can get more details and register at CacheChamber.com.