Source: CVDaily Feed
LOGAN – If you are interested in a matching grant for marketing a new event or one out of the area, now is the time to contact the Cache Valley Visitor’s Bureau.
Director Julie Hollist Terrill said nonprofit organizations may receive up to $1,500 in matching funds in two categories.
“One of them is for out of area marketing, and that’s to attract audiences who are not in the immediate area, because we want them to come and stay in hotels,” she said. “The money generated from the tax from these hotels is what pays for this program. So there’s one for marketing. Organizations that are a little larger and maybe more well established with their events have taken advantage of that.”
Terrill said the other fund is available to help events get started. She said you can take advantage of those for up to three years of the event. Examples of this category are events like the Cache Valley Rendezvous, cross country ski races and other similar events.
Terrill said the main goal is to increase hotel stays in Logan. Applications are due March 18th at 5 p.m. The applications are available at the Cache Valley Visitor’s Bureau. For more information call 755-1890.