Source: CVDaily Feed
LOGAN – According to Nick Dunn of Utah Workforce Services, Cache County’s unemployment rate is 2.9 percent, one of the lowest in the country. On KVNU’s For The People program Wednesday, Dunn said the state is showing very strong job growth.
“In the years since the recession we’ve added back a tremendous number of jobs,” Dunn said. “Our job growth rate today has shown really, really strong growth all across the economy in a variety of different sectors. Right now we’re adding jobs at a rate of 4.2 percent, which is pretty darn high compared to how things were during the recession, of course. And our unemployment rate is only 3.4 for the statewide average.”
Dunn said Utah is in an expansive phase and not just a recession recovery. Although there are always ebbs and flows in the economy, Dunn said economists believe that for Utah it will be a strong and steady year.