LOGAN — Running for a south county seat on the Cache County Council, Devron Andersen returned to KVNU’s For the People program earlier this week. The last time he was on the program he talked a lot about growth.

He said the his overarching theme of why he decided to run for the council is he wants to try and serve the public the best way that the county can.

“I believe I am the only candidate or current council member who’s ever actually worked full time at the county. And so, that’s a perspective that I want to bring to the council that I think is maybe missing right now,” he explained.

He said when the council makes decisions, every one of those decisions will either hinder the employees’ ability to serve the public or help the employees ability to serve the public.

Andersen said he thinks that council members who have never actually worked for the county may not fully understand the consequences of some of the decisions they make.

He cited an example.

“I would back at the past three years, there’s been a couple of instances where pay has become an issue or the compensation committee was not listened to or not followed, and the council made a decision for one reason or another to go different than that. 

“And that kind of sends a shot over the bow, if you will, for the employees,” Andersen continued. “It makes them a little hesitant to speak up or to want to do the best they can in their job because they start to fear, well what if I misstep, then my pay might be targeted next.”

You can find out more about his campaign at https://devronandersen.com/

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