By 2025 the Gossner Cancer Center at Intermountain Logan Regional Hospital will be transformed into a regional cancer facility capable of serving several western states.

Construction will begin this summer to expand the center’s Radiation Oncology department, adding more clinical space, with a new radiation isotope treatment center, a new CT scanner, and a high resolution ultrasound system and linear accelerator.

Logan Regional President Brandon McBride said the 3,717 square foot expansion is supported by a generous donation from the Gossner Foods family and will make more services available to more patients in Cache Valley but also those throughout Northern Utah, Wyoming, Idaho and Montana.

In 2023 the Gossner Center administered 5,000 chemotherapy treatments, 7,000 clinic visits and 4,500 radiation visits, numbers which represent 75 percent of the local cancer community.

Intermountain Health cancer caregivers were joined by patients, community leaders and donors for a groundbreaking ceremony last week. The Gossner Cancer Center was built in 2019.

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