Source: CVDaily Feed
Saturday is National Alzheimer’s Awareness Day and Saturday is also the day for the Walk to End Alzheimer’s Disease in Logan. Melissa Lee, director of communications for the Utah Alzheimer’s Association, says the walk is the first of four to be held in Utah this year and it starts at 10 a.m. at Willow Park with registration starting at 9 a.m.
Lee says Alzheimer’s disease is the most common cause of dementia or loss of intellectual function. She says the annual walk is to raise money for research and to help those who have Alzheimer’s.
“Of the top 10 leading causes of death it is the only one that can not be slowed, prevented or cured,” Lee says. “We really need to make a difference.
“In order to do that we’ve got to start letting younger people know this is not a normal part of aging, this is something we really have to make a difference with now. We have a short period of time. If we hit it hard we can really make a difference.”
She says everyone is invited to participate in and to contribute to the Walk to end Alzheimer’s Disease. For more information, call local chairwoman Jessica Tarbet at 755-2877.