LOGAN — A new building has been constructed and set-up at the Environmental and recycling site at the Logan Landfill location just off the Valley View Highway (SR 30).
On KVNU’s For the People program on Wednesday, Logan city’s Environmental/ Conservation Coordinator Emily Malik, said things have changed just over the last few months.
“Yeah, they really have, just for the hazardous waste portion of the landfill. That building that we have near the transfer station was always designed to hold the hazardous waste material, and we were going to move things but it kept getting delayed, and we had some construction work to do on the interior to make it functional for the community. So that is finally done,” she explained.
Malik said this is a perfect time of the year to talk about it.
“Because, everyone is getting spring fever, I know I’m starting to think about all the outdoor projects I have to do. That means garage cleaning, shed cleaning, and a lot of people don’t realize we have this hazardous waste facility and it is open to all county residents. And there is no charge for anything unless it’s a tire or something with refrigerant in it. So, it’s super convenient for residents to use.”
Malik said there’s plenty of recycling options too with mixed bins, cardboard bins, scrap metal recycling and sharp disposal for residents who maybe have to use needles for health reasons.
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