Source: CVDaily Feed
LOGAN —Smithfield City Police have released more details on an officer who was reportedly shot at Sunday night, while outside his home.
The officer was unhurt but distraught. The shooting occurred just before 8 p.m. near Mack Park, 50 North 300 East in Smithfield.
Police Chief Johnny McCoy said animal control officer Frank Keepers was sitting on his front porch, talking on the phone when the shooting occurred.
“A vehicle drove up and stopped at the stop-sign, in front of his house,” said McCoy. “The passenger pointed a handgun at Frank and discharged the weapon.”
The shooter is described as a white male. He had shaggy hair sticking out from under a baseball cap. Keepers was unable to get a description of the driver.
McCoy said the vehicle is described as an older model truck or jeep, faded brown or gold in color, with a square body style. It had a loud exhaust, a lift in the bed, and larger tires.
Several people heard the shooting, including Keeper’s wife.
McCoy said investigators have not found a bullet or any evidence of the type of gun that was fired.
“We do not know at this time the type of the cartridge that was used to discharge the weapon, or the type of cartridge that was discharged by the weapon,” said McCoy.
McCoy said there was no threat made to Keepers before the shot was fired and investigators are unsure if he was specifically targeted.
“Whatever the intent was, whether it was to strike fear in Frank or whatever, we are looking at this as a very serious act against a police officer,” said McCoy. “We are very intent on wanting to find this person and visit with him.”
No suspect has been named. McCoy said investigators have a person of interest, who resides in Smithfield but they have been unable to find him for questioning. Anyone with information on the suspect or vehicle that matches the description is asked to call the Smithfield City Police Department or 911.