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It will be a different kind of Cache Valley Cruise-In.  Normally this time of year, the Cache County fairgrounds are filled with all sorts of classic vehicles, muscle cars, vendors and a special giveaway car, in addition to a more recent Cruise-In tradition, a concert in the rodeo grounds.

But all that changed this year with the coronavirus pandemic. But the one event that will define this year’s Cruise-In is the Main street parade.

On KVNU’s For the People program on Thursday, Cache Valley Cruising Association president Brandon Douglas said the parade will be held Friday evening along the traditional route along Main Street from Center Street  to 14-hundred North and back.

“Yep, we’ve got our permits in hand and we are lined up with the city.  The police are ready to shut Main street down at six o’clock and drag until eight o’clock.  We’re excited,” said Douglas.

For those who would like to enter their car, you can go to the fairgrounds from Noon to 5p.m., get your vehicle registered for $10 dollars and be able to polish and spiff up your vehicle. You’ll get a sticker  that will be your permit to get you on to Main street.  He said this year’s sticker will be a collectors item.

“That way, 20 years from now when people are looking at your windshield and you’ve got all these stickers, which in the past, they’ve always represented the car we’re giving away.  But since we’re not giving away a car this year, we had to have something to put on there.  So we’ve got a special COVID-19 sticker and maybe our children will be asking us ‘what’s that all about?’”

For more information, go to


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