Source: CVDaily Feed

Young people filled almost every seat in the Logan City Council chambers Tuesday evening as members of the LEAF organization (Logan Environmental Action Force) turned out to seek support for their resolution supporting policy and activities which address air quality and climate change.

Spokesperson Piper Christian first thanked the council for the support it has given the city in the past, such as creation of a conservation coordinator position, and transitioning to cleaner sources of energy through conservation, efficiency, solar and other forms of renewable energy.

“Our resolution provides strong initiatives addressing air quality, renewable energy transition, education in idling and carpooling, and more,” Christian continued. “A few of the recommendations included in our resolution are inventory of global warming emissions in city operations, setting reduction targets and creating an action plan.

“Another sub-point suggests that we make a transition from fossil fuels less onerous to consumers and to the economy by supporting policy which addresses long-term economic viability on a local, state and national level.”

Council members pledged support to the LEAF group and congratulated them for their efforts along with their mentor Jack Greene.