LOGAN – A project that will return water to the Bear River watershed and eventually to the Great Salt Lake will begin next week in Logan, just south of Utah State University.

The Utah Conservation Corps, an AmeriCorps program housed in USU’s Center for Community Engagement, has secured $28,031 through the Utah Division of Forestry, Fire and State Lands’ Community Forestry Partnership Grant.

Included in the project is removal of invasive species while reducing fuel loads on the Wuthrich property, 32 acres owned by Utah State University, near the mouth of Logan Canyon.

Project work begins in October with two five-person crews working with USU Forester Dane Gyllenskog treating invasive Russian olive, Siberian elm and several dead and hazardous trees while making way for native species.

Experts say a potential savings of 4,500 gallons of water a day is possible just from removal of a Russian olive alone.

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