FILE PHOTO: stereo speaker. Photo by Scott Major on Unsplash
A couple years ago, when the Ukraine/Russia conflict/war broke out, I composed a playlist for Putin (ISJ April 15, 2022). I get the feeling he did not bother to read it. For me, music answers just about every question, conflict or need for motivation and inspiration. So, why not put together a playlist for the upcoming Idaho Republican Presidential Caucus. It is to be held across the state on March 2, 2024 at various locations, sponsored by your local county central committees with support from the IDGOP.
Just today, I received on my porch, courtesy of the USPS, a kit containing signage for display and information. Our central committee here in Franklin County has been meeting regularly and working hard to make our event not just efficient but fun. We find ourselves wondering why even hold it, as four of the six candidates who originally filed for our ballots, have since suspended their campaigns? But it is necessary, in order to award delegates to the national convention in July of this year. Even though we are small, we want to have a voice and be a good sport in the eventual selection of the Republican nominee, whoever that may be…..?
For publicity sake, the Franklin County caucus will be held at the Preston High School auxiliary gymnasium, March 2, 2024. Doors will open at noon, for check-in and voting to start soon thereafter. I am hoping for at least a 10% turnout of the approximately 5,000 registered Republican voters here in Franklin County.
I plan to take my 600 watt Monster X6 speaker, complete with strobe lights, to use both as entertainment and public address type announcements. Even as I type these words, it is blasting some Joe Bonamassa blues in my room. I wish you could hear it… so cool, so soothing!
My playlist for the candidates is, of course, intended to be tongue in cheek, lighthearted and not insultive in the least. I may or may not actually follow through with broadcasting it at the caucus, depending on if our committee vetoes it or not. They already question my judgment as chairman, and this may just seal the deal for my retirement.
In no specific order, I suggest the following songs:
Donald J. Trump: “The Wall”-Pink Floyd. The inference here is obvious. Yes, I know there is no single with such a title. He gets an entire album.
Chris Christie: “Highway to Hell”-AC/DC. Reference to the scandal known as Bridgegate several years ago. He ordered a few lanes of the New Jersey Turnpike closed leading to massive traffic problems. This led to his demise in the New Jersey political scene. Even though his subordinates schemed the debacle, in a rumored motive of political payback, he took the fall.
Nikki Haley: “Skin O My Teeth”-Megadeth. This might hint that her campaign is on life support, barely hanging on? We will see if she is still in the race come March 2nd. If nothing else, this diddy will prompt some head banging by those so inclined.
Ryan Binkley: “Who Are You?”- The Who. We have not heard much about this pastor from Texas, might be a great guy, but we just don’t know.
Ron DeSantis: Wonderful World of Disney theme song. An obvious reference to his Florida battles with woke DisneyWorld regarding their tax exempt status and sovereignty.
Vivek Ramaswamy: “Lose Yourself”-Eminem. He got scolded by the artist for using this song in his rallies and campaign appearances as a Karaoke tune. Not the first political candidate to use an artist’s song without permission.
In fairness, I will also offer a theme song for the current President Biden. That being the blues classic by Howlin Wolf: “How Many More Years?” Give it a listen, you’ll tap your toes and chuckle. No disrespect meant to President Biden. We could ask the same question of many career politicians both here in Idaho and across the nation. Regardless of who holds the office, I do believe in respecting the office and responsibility that comes with it. We should all be willing to laugh at ourselves and despite political differences, offer the words: JOB WELL DONE!?