Source: CVDaily Feed
From now on not wearing a seat bell is a primary offense and no one could be happier about that than State Rep. Lee Perry, R-Perry, who is also a Lieutenant and Section One Commander of the Utah Highway Patrol over Cache, Rich and Box Elder counties.
It was already against the law not to wear a seat belt, but Perry says you only got checked for a seat belt if stopped for another offense. Meanwhile, he says many of the fatal accidents can be traced to not wearing seat belts and he feels at least 35 lives will be saved in a year now that the law has been passed.
“I have seen enough of it that I’m passionate about it,” Perry explains. “And I’ve discovered that the fatal car crashes in our state is costing us $1.6 billion a year. We find that 74% of that cost is absorbed by those of us who do wear our seat belts each and every day.
“People who are choosing not to wear seat belts are passing on an exorbitant amount of cost to the rest of us which I don’t think is a fair process.”
Perry says many of his constituents have been pushing for the bill because they have had friends and loved ones injured or killed in crashes where no seat belt was a factor.